I had been tagged.
Here are the rules:
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
So here are my 16 random things, facts, habits or goals:
1) I'm going to study architecture for the next three years but I don't plan on becoming an architect, in fact, currently I want to develop Koma into an official fashion label and open a store preferrably in Seoul and design everything that goes in it myself, which I understand would be a LOT of work every season... But who know when I'll change my dream again.
2) I love sewing. But I haven't been sewing a lot lately so I am saddened. And also I like handsewing because I find it less technical... or more, in a way, than using a sewing machine, which makes me saddened once again because that makes me feel like I'm neglecting Michaelangelo, my very first sewing machine, but that's not true ! I love you Michaelangelo ! ...
3) I have a weird obsession of collecting things. Such as...
Shoes of various types and colours,

4) When I'm nervous or bored or when I notice there's loose dead skin around my fingernails, I have to rip it off until it's clean, even if it means bleeding a little.
5) I have a blister thing on my tongue, I felt it since yesterday and it really bugs me and it hurts when I'm brushing my tongue.
6) People tell me my face changes very noticeably when they don't see me for a long while or just a while for people with not great memories, I think this has something to do with me gaining weight on my face but I don't know, people tell me different things, once I saw my mom's friend and she said I had gained weight since last time she saw me and then the next day I saw my dad's co-worker and she told me my face had gotten smaller. So I didn't know who to believe. Also, for people I met for the first time after I got a lip piercing, it helps to remember who I am or how they met me even if we don't see very often because you don't meet people with lip piercings everyday so it's easier to remember.
7) I'm not exactly obsessively neat but I like to be neat and I also like things done my way, if I'm doing it. For example I don't really mind how things are done if I'm not concerned with it, like, if I was helping someone with their thing. But otherwise I like things done a certain way for everything and I have learnt, the best way to help them understand the way I do things, is just to tell them that and just do it all myself because in some cases they'll never get it and it'll just annoy me. Several times I was doing something that was rather time consuming and Nicole had offered to help but I politely.. rejected because I would waste my energy explaining how I want things and she would just think I'm a bossy little bitch and that will just make things more difficult than it should.
8) I like noodles more than rice, in fact I don't really like rice that much if I'm eating it without soup or if it's cooked with too much water. Noodles are so much nicer. I could totally live off noodles. And pasta. Mmm... This is making me hungry.
9) I want to travel New York, Mexico City, Old Quebec, Tokyo, Osaka, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Berlin, Munich, Rome, Milan, Florence, Helsinki, Armsterdam, Bordeaux, Barcelona and London, to name a few.
10) I'm getting a bit bored of this because 16 is a pretty .. big.. number... and I don't know ! arkjahkjgjhkl !
11) As you ALLLLLL probably know already, I love singing. I want to be able to sing like Koda Kumi or the girl from Brand New Day or Rachel even.
12) I want to learn Jazz bass, preferrably asap but I don't know if I'll have time for it and I feel bad for my bass for just sitting in my room unused because I keep postponing it and making excuses like I might not have time for it blah blah and I'm still sitting here not doing anything about it. I think I named my bass 3 years ago when it was gifted to me from my cousin who used to be in a band who was an independent film director when I last saw him but I don't know what he does now, I haven't seen him in 3 years. I miss my cousins.
13) Speaking of my cousins, I have 25 first cousins and I had to draw a very simplified family tree to figure that out.
14) I want a red felt Fedora hat.
15) I love mushrooms, the shape of it and as food and the word. It's just so cute. And so yum, when it's cooked, although some people for example, me, may find raw button mushrooms to taste rather.. sweet.
16) I am very positive and I enjoy almost everything I do and that happens to me, even if something bad was to happen, I just automatically say to myself that there has to be a positive side to it and almost everytime there is. Because when something bad happens to you, and it feels like it just gets worse and worse, and worse and worse and worse, something else HAS to happen that will make you smile, unless of course the chain of unfortunate situations led you to death but hey, after you're dead you won't feel sad anymore because, well, you're dead, you led the most horrible life and it just came to an end, hallelujah much? I may sound crazy to you, but whatever emotion you feel about an event, it's just the matter of your attitude and the way your mind is set. I bet it's probably impossible for me to develop depression, unless I go insane from all the happiness. Who knows.
The End. Gosh that felt like forever. I bet it felt even longer to you. Well, for those of you who read the whole thing, congratulations you have survived and for those who skimmed through, how could you...