

Briefly, this is quite a brief story but I'm gonna bore you with the uncut, extra un-interesting, detailed version. So I was watching Pushing Daisies in the living room on TV, but not ON on TV cus it's not on TV atm, I just borrowed the DVD from Zoe, when I got a text message from Nicole saying are you at home? So I replied yeh because I was at home. And there was no reply about why she asked me that or anything and I understood she was out of texts but I was so curious that I kept pondering upon the subject whilst watching Pushing Daisies. A while later it hit me that she may be online and said something to me on msn but I didn't reply because the laptop was in my room and I wasn't in my room so obviously I wouldn't have seen her message and obviously I wouldn't have replied to her message so she would have texted me to "warn" me. And I was right, she did instant message me and to her it was quite important that I see it asap so she had wasted her credit in order to text message me and ask me if I was home yet. And that important message was this:

I had been tagged.

Here are the rules:
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

So here are my 16 random things, facts, habits or goals:

1) I'm going to study architecture for the next three years but I don't plan on becoming an architect, in fact, currently I want to develop Koma into an official fashion label and open a store preferrably in Seoul and design everything that goes in it myself, which I understand would be a LOT of work every season... But who know when I'll change my dream again.

2) I love sewing. But I haven't been sewing a lot lately so I am saddened. And also I like handsewing because I find it less technical... or more, in a way, than using a sewing machine, which makes me saddened once again because that makes me feel like I'm neglecting Michaelangelo, my very first sewing machine, but that's not true ! I love you Michaelangelo ! ...

3) I have a weird obsession of collecting things. Such as...
Shoes of various types and colours,

Nivea lipbalms ( I had 3 Strawberry Kiss ones but I unintensionally smashed one with a car door ),
Bearbricks ( Thanks Nicole : D ),
and also books, empty but interestingly shaped bottles, jeweleries and accessaries, ribbons, skinny jeans in various shades and materials, scarves, little toys like miniature foods, shoeboxes ( naturally ), pretty stationary, nail polish in bright colours and 277 carpark tickets ( specifically ones I pulled out while I was driving and didn't need to use because the bars were up when I left, currently I have 4 because I don't drive myself to 277 a lot )

4) When I'm nervous or bored or when I notice there's loose dead skin around my fingernails, I have to rip it off until it's clean, even if it means bleeding a little.

5) I have a blister thing on my tongue, I felt it since yesterday and it really bugs me and it hurts when I'm brushing my tongue.

6) People tell me my face changes very noticeably when they don't see me for a long while or just a while for people with not great memories, I think this has something to do with me gaining weight on my face but I don't know, people tell me different things, once I saw my mom's friend and she said I had gained weight since last time she saw me and then the next day I saw my dad's co-worker and she told me my face had gotten smaller. So I didn't know who to believe. Also, for people I met for the first time after I got a lip piercing, it helps to remember who I am or how they met me even if we don't see very often because you don't meet people with lip piercings everyday so it's easier to remember.

7) I'm not exactly obsessively neat but I like to be neat and I also like things done my way, if I'm doing it. For example I don't really mind how things are done if I'm not concerned with it, like, if I was helping someone with their thing. But otherwise I like things done a certain way for everything and I have learnt, the best way to help them understand the way I do things, is just to tell them that and just do it all myself because in some cases they'll never get it and it'll just annoy me. Several times I was doing something that was rather time consuming and Nicole had offered to help but I politely.. rejected because I would waste my energy explaining how I want things and she would just think I'm a bossy little bitch and that will just make things more difficult than it should.

8) I like noodles more than rice, in fact I don't really like rice that much if I'm eating it without soup or if it's cooked with too much water. Noodles are so much nicer. I could totally live off noodles. And pasta. Mmm... This is making me hungry.

9) I want to travel New York, Mexico City, Old Quebec, Tokyo, Osaka, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Berlin, Munich, Rome, Milan, Florence, Helsinki, Armsterdam, Bordeaux, Barcelona and London, to name a few.

10) I'm getting a bit bored of this because 16 is a pretty .. big.. number... and I don't know ! arkjahkjgjhkl !

11) As you ALLLLLL probably know already, I love singing. I want to be able to sing like Koda Kumi or the girl from Brand New Day or Rachel even.

12) I want to learn Jazz bass, preferrably asap but I don't know if I'll have time for it and I feel bad for my bass for just sitting in my room unused because I keep postponing it and making excuses like I might not have time for it blah blah and I'm still sitting here not doing anything about it. I think I named my bass 3 years ago when it was gifted to me from my cousin who used to be in a band who was an independent film director when I last saw him but I don't know what he does now, I haven't seen him in 3 years. I miss my cousins.

13) Speaking of my cousins, I have 25 first cousins and I had to draw a very simplified family tree to figure that out.

14) I want a red felt Fedora hat.

15) I love mushrooms, the shape of it and as food and the word. It's just so cute. And so yum, when it's cooked, although some people for example, me, may find raw button mushrooms to taste rather.. sweet.

16) I am very positive and I enjoy almost everything I do and that happens to me, even if something bad was to happen, I just automatically say to myself that there has to be a positive side to it and almost everytime there is. Because when something bad happens to you, and it feels like it just gets worse and worse, and worse and worse and worse, something else HAS to happen that will make you smile, unless of course the chain of unfortunate situations led you to death but hey, after you're dead you won't feel sad anymore because, well, you're dead, you led the most horrible life and it just came to an end, hallelujah much? I may sound crazy to you, but whatever emotion you feel about an event, it's just the matter of your attitude and the way your mind is set. I bet it's probably impossible for me to develop depression, unless I go insane from all the happiness. Who knows.

The End. Gosh that felt like forever. I bet it felt even longer to you. Well, for those of you who read the whole thing, congratulations you have survived and for those who skimmed through, how could you...



토끼토끼토끼토끼토끼 ~

I went to see Xucy's baby bunnies for the first time today and oh dear god, they were insanely cute. Blimp had gotten giant as well. She's still pretty but a little frightening now that she's a mother.

Hopefully I want to steal.. I mean Xucy will let me adopt Taco ><

Just can't get over how cute it is >< >< >< >< ><
I want I want I want

Taco and CC



Family trips aren't my thing...

Well it's not too bad except I was incredibly bored and annoyed by my dad's ruthless driving that caused me a headache that I still have, and constantly embarrassed by how much they acted like they had never been to NZ.

Anyway, it was the longest trip of my life and I just want to stay home for the next while and not go anywhere else. Cannot take anymore of long period of time squashed in the back seat of the car.

Here's some photos of Tauranga / Mt Maunganui and etc. The first few are really blue because the colour setting was weird and I couldn't really tell when i took them cus the sun was too strong.

Pool at our motel,

Giant kiwi at kiwi farmKiwi tour busKiwi treeJacaranda tree ; DStopped in Paeroa on our way backLemon bin ... adorable


Family roadtrip ftw...

Leaving for Tauranga in about half an hour,

Not so keen because
a) I wanna write my CV asap ( because i didn't do it last night ) but i can't take my laptop
b) I can't take my laptop

But I'm looking forward to the spa ! More than the beach. Yeah I'm getting old.

Yay 김밥 for breakfast !


5th, 6th time?

Or more, I don't know. I guess I'm done with it, getting pretty sick of being paranoid about being caught and it's really not worth it anymore. Also, I don't have the energy. Yeah I'm definitely getting too old.

Charles' pool party was today. I got my face and my shoulders burnt but the thing is, I don't think I burnt that much from actually playing in the sun at Charles' place but during the time I was eating lunch sitting in the sun (which was rather painful in black jeans and black singlet, oh and long black hair ) because I was running around so much in and out of the sun at Charles' and I don't think I would have burnt that much. But my cheeks are so red ;____; arrrrrrrr

As Nicole kindly informed you, yes I got into archi ~




So I thought I better be more responsible now, well, first I gotta buy a decent diary but I couldn't find one I want yet. Maybe kikki.K

Also I am gonna finally get onto finding a job
... as soon as I write my CV
... I'll do that tomorrow.

But but I can't start handing them in until wednesday because I'm going to Tauranga on monday with family ~ I've never been there yet but I'm not expecting much because
a) I'm with my family,
b) I've heard it's a hole,
c) I will have to stay out of the sun most of the time since my face is burnt and also since I'm with my family and I dont wanna play in the water with my sister.. ... -__-

Anyway. Face glowing red and eyes are tired ! Shoulders also very stiff ! Bed is calling me !




congrats to loucy loucy loucy lou :)

she got into Auckland Uni for Archi !!

omg . well done well done. also well done to hoa too she got in :)
still waiting to check mine when i go home.. hopefully i wont get let down

so hard getting into architecture, only 100 is accepted frm maybe around over 800
applicants. looking forward to those sleepless nights and sneaking around in the studios
after hours just to finsh your assignment that you've been working on endlessly for weeks?


teehee. that is the life.


CONGRATS . shout u guys somefink sometime ;) .. and i'll shout even MORE if I got in


ok gtg

angry lady.
coming to get me

... byeee

ps...... heroes rules !

save the cheerleader, save the world.


Build a beach house, save the world

Heroes is bloody addictive, golly gosh ~___~

It's a bit late to get into Heroes since it's more than halfway through season 3 but hey, I never watched it properly until a few weeks ago and it's SO GOOD.

And also: "Hot dayum"



how's your new year so far?

10 days into the year two thousand and nine, I find, it's going GREAT for following reasons:

+ I finally got the hang of actually saving money so I started using my bank account again : p it doesn't just have 20c anymore, i deposited !! yay.

+ 돼지

+ I have great books on standby and I love knowing there's things to read available, around my room : P

+ I plan on finally cleaning my room and getting it organised. Did some of it today but it's not entirely at a satisfactiory level.

+ I got my OWN laptop and it's red ♥♥♥
Because my room is so messy, I had nowhere to put it except for the bed when I'm not sleeping on it and that automatically makes me sit in an uncomfortable/unhealthy(yes for my spine) position so I moved some shit around.

After:Woo hoo.

Another thing, the main reason I feel the year is beginning so positively, is the positive attitude, folks. : D Be grateful.

p.s. The ugliest car in the whole world has to be the "biggest mini" thing. I see one sometimes parked at the other end of the road, and it's my favourite kind, red with racing stripes, if it wasn't partially trying to disguise itself into a.. van? I dunno, it's just too big to be a mini and the ass ~__~ what's with the ass?! and the trunk doors. They open to both sides like a proper van except the size is like a normal mini. They look like they belong to a plastic miniature house kids play with. Also also, the ass sticks out the back so there's more room in the back seats, but it's still two door ~___~ might as well put a couple more doors and make it convenient, wouldnt you rather?


Happy twenty oh nine

Once again, it's the new year. Year after year it has less impact on me in terms of 'feeling like new year' but maybe it's just this year, or maybe it's just having seen the sunrise in the beginning of last year and not this year. Or maybe because so many things happened last december so quickly and so the new year doesn't feel so special.

Whatever it is, another year is upon us already and so far, I haven't done much, nor have I set up a proper new year's resolution, nor have I got a 2009 calendar. But I never do really set a resolution because . I don't see the point of it? Not that you don't need resolutions, just that you don't necessarily have to wait for the new year to make it official and stick to it.

Anyways, my resolution, if i call it resolution, is basically just doing what I planned to do in terms of school/job and etc.

Dang, I'm hungry again.

Thank you Jessie for allowing us to mess up your house with mess and drunkness new years eve. Also thank your parents for their patience .. Heheh.