Okay so exams are over, which means everything is over, so I'm completely free YAYAYAYAY. I wanted to congratulate myself and to celebrate a little bit, I gifted myself a pair of shoes : > Yes yes, I was going to not shop till I go to hong kong, but you know me, waiting is hard. And they were so cheap I couldn't help myself. And they're so pretty ! So here they are:
The laces are a little ugly though, and I wanted to replace them with black ribbons but I couldn't find any. I had white ribbon though, but it wasn't long enough and I wasn't sure if it would look good... Interesting story yes?? Anyways, aren't they cutttee?!

An old photo of Angie's present back in... October heheh, okay it wasn't that long ago but it feels like a while ago because there was so much shit in between,,, okay no there wasn't but I was getting pretty fed up with all the studying and RAH ! Anyway, it's the shoes a bunch of people pitched in for, excluding me, and they're really cute, I DON'T KNOW WHY ANGIE WOULDN'T WEAR THEM YET PSSSSHHHTTT. ^^ I heart you anghela. Pretty wrapping paper hee hee.
Oh, so about the exam. I had architecture history today, and two hours through the exam I really really needed to go to the bathroom and cus we were allowed to leave then I wanted to rush the essay and get out... So the last paragraph and the conclusion is a bit shit. I hope that doesn't make much difference in my grade T__T.
I rambled a lot today, yes, good post today.