Love all the shit they're wearing..
몰입에 관해

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좀전에 S모 방송국에서 한 다큐를 봤다. 몰입에 관한 것이었는데, 꽤 흥미로웠다.
일생에 인간은 10% 만의 잠재의식을 활용화 하고, 나머지 90%는 제자신이 쓰지않으면 죽음이후에 쓸모가 없어진다고 한다. 그리고 이 잠재으식을 활용하려면 몰입상태에 있는것을 이용해야 한다고.
이 몰입상태란 인간이 어려운 문제나 일등에 끊임없이 집중함을 말한다. 그리고 그 노력에 끝에 그인간은 성취감이 전해주는 기쁨과 자신감을 얻게 된다.
다큐에선 남녀노소의 몰입을 즐기는 사람들이 예로서 인터뷰를 당했는데, 그중에 제일 존경스러웠던건 다름아닌 12살 꼬맹이 기타리스트였다. 기타치는 시간을 늘리기위해 그렇게 좋아하던 컴퓨터게임도 끊었다는데 어찌나 장한놈인가. 짤막한 손가락이 프렛보드를 왔다갔다하면서 내가 좋아하는 곡들을 쳐내는데 머릿속엔 온통 왜 나는 저렇게 집요하게 기타를 배우지 못했을까 뿐이었다.
나도 뭔가 그꼬맹이처럼 몰입할 수 있는게 있다면 미술인것같다. 포트폴리오에 쓸 그림들을 하나 하나 해낼때마다 성취감을 느끼고 내자신이 조금더 자랑스러우니까 몰입이 맞지아니겠는가 냐고.
그렇게 붓질 하나 하나에 노력을 쏟는게 즐겁다.
좋아하는일을 하면서 돈을 벌수있는것많큼 즐거운 삶은 없을것이다, 꼭 커서 내 재능을 비싸게 팔아먹고 말테다.

김다울, kim nicole daul.
19 and 12 days today.
Looks like she's been modelling for about 2-3 years, unlike the typical high school students, she hasn't had the education or tasted the joy of studying day and night but she's definitely had enough experience of 'living'. To me it seems more important than anything, doing right now what you want right now. And Daul is the living example of an individual who I'd say is living her life to the fullest.
Not that I know much about her, but from the stalkery of her blogs, both korean and english : D, I could work out that although she models, and you know how models are stereotyped, she has her own distinctive, rather strange personality and style that I even dare call her my heroine.
Perhaps heroine isn't the right term to be used. bah who cares?
Anyway, she seems to me a very interesting character to learn from, for her individuality and also I like her because I can relate to how she's interested in a big range of different things and has a go at whatever she wants to do.
Last image is a portrait of herself done in 2008; I like very much.
Merging techtonik craze through my system
I feel it in my toes.
My interest started with fashion but to the history of this amazing genre, there is so much more than just skinny jeans with high cut sneakers and hints of fluoro.
Liking the black guy on the right.
I should be writing my essay. I did start, though my attention span only allowed me to write 195 words during the past hour. I'm sure I'll be thinking quicker closer to the dead line.
Man I'm too laid back.
Glimpses at my life - Hurrah
These are some recent photos from my phone, and I noticed they can tell quite a lot about me so this is gonna be another boring "about me" sort of entry but read anyway >: )
: I love my mother,
: Freud fascinates me,
: My current favourite colour is turquoise,
: My stuff are colour coordinated, and it was unintentional,
: I love Big Bang,
: I hang out at cafes with my friends, until closing time,
: This gives me a sense of acomplishment
: I'm yellower than my friend Nicole,
: I have a big bag.

When I was typing "big bag", I accidentally typed big bang, and then I thought of the "Freudian slip"... Bahahaha. Obsessive is me.
Why were all famous artists mad?
"The Soothsayer's Recompense"
Giorgio de Chirico, Italian but born and raised in Greece. Lived from the very late 19th century through mid/late 20th century. He is mostly known for his works created around... 1910 ish to 1930's.
Raised in quite an eccentric family, members with discreet personalities but stubborn. And his mother played the role of the most important woman in his life even during his adulthood as he suffered from illness to do with intestinal pain and had to be looked after constantly be his mother.
His biography I read didnt make him sound so ambitious or anything, it just seemed that he just went with the flow, he would always paint but didn't care much if his works didn't sell very well or if he himself as an artist got very famous.
Throughout his career as a painter, most of his works deal with metaphysics. It seemed that he was rather obsessive when it came to the idea of enigma, mystery or melancholy. He even started depising one of his closest friends Carra just because Carra's paintings seemed to him to have melancholy mood to it and he suspected that Carra was stealing his characteristic.
First thing you (well okay I dunno about you but I do) notice in most his paintings (as well as the subject matter) is the shadow, thick and black, heavy and dominating. And in my opinion, it would be impossible for de Chirico to maintain on painting the melancholy or enigmatic sense without these shadows casted by the setting or rising sun against the silent, solid rather boring subject matters.
The thing I like most of his paintings is that he is able to get you in this strange mood when you look at them just by putting some oil paint on the canvas. I'd say he was pretty successful considering the time and effort he put in to trying to figrue out how to convey mystery, melancholy and enigma into and through painting.
I shall definitely have a go at doing one of his works for my port folio, although I still can't decide which one I like the best.
But I quite like this one : "Metaphysical Interior With the Biscuits"
Okay I don't actually believe de Chirico was mad, it's just that he got depressed a lot and other people considered him mad (probably because of his paintings?)
Depression isn't mental illness is it?
Oh wait a minute, it is.
So I thought I'd have a go at watercolour
This time I used the old pallette I used to use in primary ( I know that because it says 1-7 이다은 on it ) but I have squeezed out all the colours ( there were only 20 slots and I had 24 different colours so I had to carefully eliminate 4 ;__; ) in my new black pallette <3>
So this was experiments I guess, since I've never done things like this before, and it was influenced by ky and this artist featured in the new idn mag who uses watercolour in the background. I don't absolutely like all of it ( although I am pretty satisfied with some ) but I'm putting them up anyway, just so you can compare it with my later ones ^^ if I get around to it that is.
Enough with the blabber, take a look.
oh by the way, the stupid scanner just decided to cut up the koma signature because it was too light or something - grr. but still, copyrighted by koma 2008 okay?
First :

Hallelujah :

Wrap :

쏟고말다 :

월경 :

Ant tower ( left and right ) :

wow, putting it on computer kills the texture.
dang... and some are so pixelated.
Disgusting. I apologise.
So this was experiments I guess, since I've never done things like this before, and it was influenced by ky and this artist featured in the new idn mag who uses watercolour in the background. I don't absolutely like all of it ( although I am pretty satisfied with some ) but I'm putting them up anyway, just so you can compare it with my later ones ^^ if I get around to it that is.
Enough with the blabber, take a look.
oh by the way, the stupid scanner just decided to cut up the koma signature because it was too light or something - grr. but still, copyrighted by koma 2008 okay?
First :

Hallelujah :

Wrap :

쏟고말다 :

월경 :

Ant tower ( left and right ) :

wow, putting it on computer kills the texture.
dang... and some are so pixelated.
Disgusting. I apologise.
sleep is a drug
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