I was originally going to bring Taco home around 20th ~ 27th ish when everything was ready but we went to animates to get some rabbit supplies and she suddenly suggested I take her home today. So I did ~
I just made a temp home for her out of boxes that we get tomatoes delivered in... its not that spacey and i have to put it inside so the livingroom smells like rabbit shit + hay + rabbit food but I'm not getting a hutch for a while so.
Since it's first day having her at home I was so excited so I was playing with her and showing her to Danny on webcam. And she peed on the blanket I had over my lap. Thank god there was a blanket. Argh
Anyways, my mom and my sister obviously love her because she's so bloody cute and my dad was negative at first because it smellt but I think he kind of likes her too. : D who wouldn't.

Taco's "home for now"

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