Animates was kind of our last resort so then Xucy decided she will get the 2 ish year old (which means BIG) female one from Onehunga since we couldn't find any other female ones that fitted her . It's big but SO SO pretty. Like a nice middle aged lady who aged gracefully and is very calm and sits on her chair and chews hay. Not saying she's an old lady. But I keep thinking she is. Paha. Well, compared to Rocket (who's 3 months old).
Anyway on the way back we tried to decide what she was going to be called. And there were all kinds of names ranging from names of foods, objects such as cleaning aids and things that fly...
In the end she decided on Blimp. Because it goes with Rocket. And it's big and slow.
That's not a very flattering photo of her (Xucy or Blimp?) but it's the only one. I don't know why I didn't take any photos. Until just now, I thought I had. Pfft.
When Rocket is mature enough (which will be in approximately 5 months) Xucy is going to mate them and sell the little baby bunnies !! And I can't wait to see them. Tiny little bunnies!!! And the parents are so adorable so they will have to be the cutest things!
: D
Most rabbits produce many offspring each year, although scarcity of resources may cause this potential to be suppressed. A combination of factors allows the high rates of reproduction commonly associated with rabbits. Rabbits generally are able to breed at a young age, and many regularly conceive litters of up to seven young, often doing so four or five times a year due to the fact that a rabbit's gestation period is only 28 to 31 days. In addition, females exhibit induced ovulation, their ovaries releasing eggs in response to copulation rather than according to a regular cycle. They can also undergo postpartum estrus, conceiving immediately after a litter has been born.
Newborn rabbits are naked, blind, and helpless at birth (altricial). Mothers are remarkably inattentive to their young and are almost absentee parents, commonly nursing their young only once per day and for just a few minutes. To overcome this lack of attention, the milk of rabbits is highly nutritious and among the richest of that of all mammals. The young grow rapidly, and most are weaned in about a month. Males (bucks) do not assist in rearing the kittens. The mother rabbit is able to become pregnant again 4 days after the birth of her kittens.
From wiki. kekekekeke
I finished my story here so Zo can talk about our dinner. We cannot possibly end up with same blog entries everytime we do something exciting can we !? But here's a sneak peak:

Also I got some Le Doux toys from Qubic. Eedleeedleeedle and Buddy. I wanted the Dr leDoux but he was the rarest. : s

댓글 2개:
Where did the 'e' in Blimp come from ?
they look like they're having naughty time D:
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