Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry....
Eheheheheheheheh, wow it's been like a month since I last posted huh? I try not to (but I don't really try not to) but I keep doing this, ~__~ everytime, I'm like this time I'll post more regularly and not let this die...
But thanks to Jessie's nagging ! I'm gonna try a little harder ! Because she and Cole seem to check regularly and for those two (and more) I shall write.
Anyway, getting back to my life, I've been rather busy with school and other things. Since my last post, I went MT with archi peoples to ... Omgsh I forgot... Yeah it doesn't really matter, it was just somewhere quite close but in the west coast of Auckland, the weather wasn't that great and when we were waterballoon fighting you could die from the coldness but that's just me really, heheh. Hmm let's see, and we played a lotta games and things, and it was a good chance to get to know the archis, including people from year levels other than first year, which I guess is pretty important for archi especially because you end up living at the studio and you see so much of each other you might as well like each other : P
This is gonna be a long long post.
So MT was in the first week of the holidays and in the second week I originally planned to do some work but of course that never works, but I did manage to get a very tiny little fraction done. GAH I gotta stop procrastinating. I promise I will do at least a quarter of my tech assignment riiiight after I finish writing this. I SWEAR !!!!!!!!! sigh. But yeah, I procrastinated a bit with the last media assignment and because of that I rushed it and it wasn't satisfactory at all. UGH.
THEREFORE, I'm trying to be more organised and play less these days, but things around me can be so distracting.
Man I needa buy a coat. I can't wear double layers of jumpers all year because I look effing fat ~__~
Oh I also gotta go shopping at Fabric OMGSH YAY ><>
Speaking of, it was my 19th birthday 2 days ago and I had a get together thing the night before, I was so so happy heheheheh. I have such great friends +___+ I invited archi friends as well and they said very nice things about my friends, : D YOU GUYS GREAT. I LOVE YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS BEST.
Oh oh also in the holidays, Zoe and Ky and I finally got the envelope tattoos. FINALLY

And heyyy, this is my media assignment. It's an archive of different ways to create images or drawings. You're meant to slide it out and it goes around and out... heheheh well the concept is quite cute but because it's so big (it's A2) you gotta really be careful not to like.. wear out the corners or get caught on something and rip it or whatever. Also the black case part is made of 2mm board and it's too weak... it was falling apart half an hour before hand in and I'm sure it broke again after hand in. Damn. Anyway here it is closed:
Okay, I think this is long enough for now? heheheheh HAPPY JESSIE?! ^^ Well, thanks for nagging me.
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