These last few days have been tooo boring. So boring that when I went out today, I didn't wanna come back home : P bleh. Well, went out and met MG, and we went to Gloria Jeans to stalk on Nicole, um, I mean, to get a drink, no really it's because Cole begged me to come visit her because she was so bored. Yeah.
So yeah, MG had to go home for a while so first checked out phone cost. Turns out that Korean Parallel Import place isn't run by Koreans anymore. I was expecting some kind of discount because its was korean but whatever, they were nice anyway, so I shall be getting my phone there YEAH ! in a few days...
It's annoying because I don't have enough money right, but I'm getting paid from two different sources tomorrow and wednesday but what is stupid is I'm just 70 bucks short but I have to wait two days to get 430. Even if I get paid tomorrow I can't buy the phone tomorrow becausse after I get paid the store will be closed ! UGH !
Yeah I really want the phone. Heh.
Anyway, met up with John and his penguin and met their friend who's like quite old. She was nice : > She totally seemed to believe when John tricked her about me being a model. But that's not why I like her >_> of course not.
Had dinner at Mentats. It was too much and half way I kinda got sick of how oily it was. And it occured to me how all the food at Mentats makes me feel like that, except the grilled gyoza because it's just amazingly delicious and I can eat a million of them. No not really but close : P. So yeah I had a little thought, what the hell am I gonna order next time I come here that I wouldn't get sick of while eating? HM?
I'm thinking it's time for wasabi ramen again.
Anyways, I'm home now and plan to look at this book, finally, around 3 weeks after I got it out of the library. This, architecture book. But it's really broad cus it's got all the really really famous buildings. hmmp.
I want my hair to grow faster : / need to do something about my stupid THICK fringe.
Hm I'm sorry there's no picture. So maybe I'll stick a picture of one of my favourite buildings. AHAH.

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