I'm actually very very immature and weak.
Everyone hates making mistakes but I guess it's inevitable in order to "grow up". Why do we have to grow up anyway. Maybe it's just all a big contradiction. Well it is to me anyways. I'm always trying to change to fit into 'it' and mould myself to suit the social situations. You know, take care of the rough edges. But then again, I refuse to turn into those typical 'too-old-to-understand-kids' type people.
Right now, to put myself in a box, I'm half half.
I guess that's what I want. Which doesnt make sense because I don't want this.
It's so annoying having to go through all this to learn 'a lesson' in order to, in the end, grow up to be 'the better person' or maybe I just think it's annoying and take the easy way out anf believe I'm mature enough.
인내심. yeah that's what i need.
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