thanks to S.H. ahahahahahhahah !!!!!!! THIS IS THE BEST.
my eye was sore when I woke up and it hurts everytime I blink T__T. Kind of like a bruise, like when you get hit in the face, not that I ever got hit in the face hard enough to get a bruise though. Mother seems to think it's not infection or anything. AGH annoying.
It's too sunny to go outside. There's a theory about wrinkles, how your ass is one place in your body with the least or no wrinkles because it is never exposed to the sun. Meaning UV rays is the main cause of wrinkles. So I plan to stay out of the sun as much as possible this summer. It may sound rather... boring and depressing but really, it's not like I don't want to go outside. Besides, the sun makes you so tired the minute you're exposed anyway and eugh sweating is gross.
I finished Kare Kano. And I just like to say... What is with the last episode @_@ ???

It's too sunny to go outside. There's a theory about wrinkles, how your ass is one place in your body with the least or no wrinkles because it is never exposed to the sun. Meaning UV rays is the main cause of wrinkles. So I plan to stay out of the sun as much as possible this summer. It may sound rather... boring and depressing but really, it's not like I don't want to go outside. Besides, the sun makes you so tired the minute you're exposed anyway and eugh sweating is gross.
I finished Kare Kano. And I just like to say... What is with the last episode @_@ ???

Someone please help me remember where this rabbit's from?
obsessed with 검은깨 and 깻잎 at the moment. YUM
Started watching Kare Kano again. Such a well-made anime and I'd like to say it's not aimed at younger audience considering the style of it but still, it's funny. Watching Kare Kano also made me want to find and watch other anime stuff I watched ages ago... I can't remember the name of them though..
Anyway. Kare Kano Kareshi Kanojo no jijo: His and Her Circumstances original manga by Masami Tsuda. I haven't read the manga but I'm thinking the anime is better because the reason I like it so much is because of the soundtrack and everything as well as the general plotline and characters and things. It aired first in 1998 to 1999 so it's pretty old. STILL GOOD. Google and watch watch watch NOW.
Pretty much highschool drama/romance crap but treated so much differently from the others.

"지렁이는 나중에 먹자-"
Haven't touched my laptop for a month and looking down at the keyboard, I realise I have never noticed they type face of the letters on the keys are so.. fat. like horizontal. So. Weird.

I keep pressing alt + space bar to switch from english to korean. ~____~ stupid habbits.
About the movies I watched on the plane:
애자 Goodbye Mom ( lame english title )
The story line is so predictable and cliche, rebelious daughter wanting to be a writer like Hemingway and Tolstoy ( ~____~ ) and mother with cancer and the growth of their relationship leading to the mother's death. Ugh. But I still liked it because even though it's cliche, it's kind of very true. How everything seems to fall apart for the main characters isn't only making the plot dramatic but i think it sort of hints just how many people die from cancer and get screwed over with money and by men ( in late 20/early 30 women's case).
최강희 is so pretty T_T. I liked her character. The way she dresses and the way she talks. Ahaha.

국가대표 Take-off based on a true story about Korea's first ski jump team formed in 1997 consisting of high school dropouts, korean-born-american-raised ski jumper rejected from US's ski jump team and a retard. Plot v/ good - since it was modified ( probably a lot ) but it worked.

김동욱 ahhh cute T___T on the premiers photos he has short hair, which makes him look rather gay and sleezy but I loved his character in the movie. Sensible swearing. 영양가있는 욕설? ㅋㅋ

김동욱님 in 달콤한 거짓말: cute +___+

"헤이이- 비밀이많은 아가쉬-"
rather relatable I guess.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.I thought my straightforwardness was intimidating : P Well, lots of people seem to think so anyways.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.This one I cannot agree more..
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trustI wasn't expecting anything out of the quiz thing but hey, it sort of make sense.

I've always sort of told myself that I would never be the kind of girl that wears colour contacts/makeup everyday but hong kong has changed me... Well it wasn't hongkong that changed me but i just happened to be in hongkong when I had access to contacts... and contacts are so cheap here @_@.
No offence, I mean I guess there's nothing wrong with wearing contacts everyday except it had the effect of making me less confident about my actual eyes, which can't be good...
공민지v/cute. me likey.
You know who else I likey? These two : D
weird sleep pattern won't go away
for some reason I keep getting up at 7:30am. Although today it's I was briefly awake but can't go back to sleep because of the extra noise outside. What could possibly be more noisy than all the cars, trams and all that jazz you might ask.
It seems that today's the first day of primary school or something, and not only the location of our apartment right in front of tram station/taxi station but also a primary school.
I'm not complaining, they're not as loud as the rubbish trucks that seem to come by at the latest hour every single day. And they're all in little navy uniforms and it's really cute.
I'm going to make migoreng.
It seems that today's the first day of primary school or something, and not only the location of our apartment right in front of tram station/taxi station but also a primary school.
I'm not complaining, they're not as loud as the rubbish trucks that seem to come by at the latest hour every single day. And they're all in little navy uniforms and it's really cute.
I'm going to make migoreng.
새삼스럽게 느낀거지만, 벌써 18일, 거의 3주정도 되가네. 어떻게보면 시간 엄청빨리간거 같으면서도 아직 남은 시간을 생각하면 별거아니지..
니가 군인아저씨라고 생각하니까 징그럽다. 상상도안가. ㅋㅋ 이제 적응좀 했겠지?
잘지내고있어야하는데 ㅎㅎ.
니가 군인아저씨라고 생각하니까 징그럽다. 상상도안가. ㅋㅋ 이제 적응좀 했겠지?
잘지내고있어야하는데 ㅎㅎ.
once again
sitting in the dark listening to the thud of the bundles of newspaper. 4:32am. UHGH. I'd like to sleep like a normal person please.
Looks a bit like Nicole can't get to sleep so easy either, she keeps turning in bed, or maybe she's just annoyed from the sound of my typing. Ehehhe..
I guess I shouldn't type then. Hmmm what should I do....................
I want his headphones. Very cute.
Edit: I decided to update the blog header and stuff : ) me likey, you like? 5:11am
Edit: 아맞다, 오늘은 준수생일ㅋ생축. 7:19am
Looks a bit like Nicole can't get to sleep so easy either, she keeps turning in bed, or maybe she's just annoyed from the sound of my typing. Ehehhe..
I guess I shouldn't type then. Hmmm what should I do....................
Edit: I decided to update the blog header and stuff : ) me likey, you like? 5:11am
Edit: 아맞다, 오늘은 준수생일ㅋ생축. 7:19am
photos with a hop
When they're done it's the food suppliers that deliver to restaurants. Again from the trucks with fucking loud engines and the ones that go beep beep beep beep beep beep beep when they're reversing. And they keep reversing. Meanwhile the trams start running again. It just happens that the tram track/ station is right in front of the apartment as well. Convenient? I fucking agree.
Okay. The mother fucking streetlight that stare down into my eyes all night. Nicole has kindly fashioned a cover on the blinds (out of post it notes) where the glare is but it still lights the whole room bright orange. The more annoying thing is that there is two sets of blinds and the left ones which is further below the bed faces up, so no light from above and outside the window actually gets into the room, however the ones that are right next to the bed face downwards, and when you try to turn it over it reaches its limit hence making it impossible to do so.
Our apartment is on the first floor. All the noise described above feels as if it is happening right by your ear when you're lying down in the bed with your eyes closed. Lovely huh.
All the more reasons to miss new zealand so much. Plus it's really getting cold, well, either that or I just have no winter clothes.
ok me lazy
So. I sort of concluded that I was gonna put of blogging until I was reunited with my laptop but then I remembered I like blogging ^^ and more importantly it was reading A's blog entries that triggered it and I felt the need to say:
A public thank you, a big fat one, to all of MG's and my friends.
He wouldn't really like me to share but it's rather obvious that he develops some kind of a fear, mainly to do with the relationship between him and his friends outside of army. You can't blame him, you know, lost contacts and for such a long period of time. For the purpose of comforting him there and then, was to tell him that no matter what happens I'll be there for him so he really has not a lot to worry about. But I was to thoughtless to consider the truth, which was that they care for him as much as I do.
Wow I'm getting too cheesy for my liking. But you all know what I mean...
One particular story about a girl named Angular touched me so I wanted to express some sort of. Blab. I dunno. Thanks A.
And to you. I sincerely hope you remember what I said to you and understand how I'm feeling. In reality it's more like wanting to know how you're doing and if you're adjusting well at all, if you've made any friends etc. But these things I can guess you're doing pretty well because you're perfectly capable of all those things. But more importantly what bothers me is if you're having any doubts. These thoughts can drive you mad if there isn't anyone to lead you out of it and I have no way of making sure of that for now because let's face it, I can't even be sure if my letter is on the way to Korea.
For now, I'll just be waiting as I said I'll be.
spending time feels crazy. I feel like I'm only waiting again. This is so natural to me that I don't realise what I'm doing until I've wasted a great amount of time waiting for the next thing on the calendar, which actually is "getting on the plane to nz" and that's 2 weeks away. And it feels ironic because I've done exactly the same sitting at home, for the day to fly here and I can't wait to go back. I kind of feel like I need to apologise to hk. @__@ okay I may be going a little nuts from too much sleep/lack of sleep.
The thing with sleep, in fact, I don't know which it is anymore because, I sleep too much as I lack sleep from not sleeping, and I would have not slept due to too much sleep previously and then it just goes around in a loop. I don't know how to fix it, I just kind of have this idea that it'll be fixed when I get home. Which in reality it probably won't.
I miss too many people at once.
A public thank you, a big fat one, to all of MG's and my friends.
He wouldn't really like me to share but it's rather obvious that he develops some kind of a fear, mainly to do with the relationship between him and his friends outside of army. You can't blame him, you know, lost contacts and for such a long period of time. For the purpose of comforting him there and then, was to tell him that no matter what happens I'll be there for him so he really has not a lot to worry about. But I was to thoughtless to consider the truth, which was that they care for him as much as I do.
Wow I'm getting too cheesy for my liking. But you all know what I mean...
One particular story about a girl named Angular touched me so I wanted to express some sort of. Blab. I dunno. Thanks A.
And to you. I sincerely hope you remember what I said to you and understand how I'm feeling. In reality it's more like wanting to know how you're doing and if you're adjusting well at all, if you've made any friends etc. But these things I can guess you're doing pretty well because you're perfectly capable of all those things. But more importantly what bothers me is if you're having any doubts. These thoughts can drive you mad if there isn't anyone to lead you out of it and I have no way of making sure of that for now because let's face it, I can't even be sure if my letter is on the way to Korea.
For now, I'll just be waiting as I said I'll be.
spending time feels crazy. I feel like I'm only waiting again. This is so natural to me that I don't realise what I'm doing until I've wasted a great amount of time waiting for the next thing on the calendar, which actually is "getting on the plane to nz" and that's 2 weeks away. And it feels ironic because I've done exactly the same sitting at home, for the day to fly here and I can't wait to go back. I kind of feel like I need to apologise to hk. @__@ okay I may be going a little nuts from too much sleep/lack of sleep.
The thing with sleep, in fact, I don't know which it is anymore because, I sleep too much as I lack sleep from not sleeping, and I would have not slept due to too much sleep previously and then it just goes around in a loop. I don't know how to fix it, I just kind of have this idea that it'll be fixed when I get home. Which in reality it probably won't.
I miss too many people at once.
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