“solitude had the peculiar and original power of not isolating us but projecting our whole existence out into the vast nearness of the presence of all things.”
Heidegger's Hut by Adam Sharr, extract from newspaper article "why do I stay in the provinces?" by Martin Heidegger, 1934.
getting paid for reading and writing about this crap at some quiet apartment ( in europe ) would be the dream. I guess my current situation is pretty similar, sitting in the window seat with the sun on my back and I'm supposed to read this crap. But it's so mind blowing I keep wanting to copy it onto my blog, it's distracting.
I've had a year's worth of chocolate fingers within the last two days. I must stop...
Two Heidegger books in the archi library have been taken out by me and they haven't been recalled for the past two months, does that mean no one out of a hundred people wants to read about it except me? Is it because he used to be a Nazi? Pshht.
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