I cooked dinner... I forgot which night it was. I made another kind of spaghetti and this time... it was meatless ! Well, last time it was meatless too but we had muscles. This time, it was totally and completely vegetarian. Vegetarian is GOOOOOD. That huge mushroom thing is made of those big mushrooms you see at the supermarket, i don't know what they're called, but theyre big, with salt, papper and cheese, microwaved until the cheese melts. SO GOOD !
Potato Croquettes at Saika. One of my favourite Japanese foods !
We bummed pretty much all afternoon at Nicole's yesterday, watching movies, cutting hair and other silly stuff. Dinner was fried rice (with just ham and seasoning!) and curry (with very little broccoli and too much milk). It was all instant, yes. I am imagining it would be like this pretty much every night if we flatted together. Or just starvation until we can be bothered getting off our asses to go cook or buy something to eat. Can't wait.
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