So last night, Cole asked me if I wanted to come out for coffee and I said I shouldn't so they came to me ! My parents were in the diningroom, and they came in through the back gate which is in front of the kitchen window. It's right next to the diningroom window but the blinds were down so they wouldnt have noticed. Anyways, I led them down the stairs and aorund the side of my house and to the back where my bedroom window is.
And then my dad went into his room, which is to the right of mine and when the light came on in his room Cole and Ky freaked out and pretended to be the wall of the house.
Dad didn't notice anything. Also because I had my music pretty loud. It was Korean hiphop. And I was dancing to it at one point as I was leaning out the window and I banged by head on the window. Twice. 
I'm not quite sure what they're doing here. It looks like they're dancing but they're not. They might just be trying to avoid the flash, because it was pretty blinding in the dark.
Then they tried to climb up the wall into my room, I wouldn't give them anything to help so then Ky tried climbing on top of Cole's back and also sitting on her shoulders. This is Ky sitting on Cole's shoulders, as you can see, Cole is finding it hard to stand back up.
They wanted some snack so I gave them a piece of chocolate banana cake I found in the fridge (it was in the fridge because it's one of those individually packed ones you get from BP stations or Foodtown. We sell them at the cafe.) And then they just tried to eat it frozen but I guess it got more difficult as they got to the fatter bit. So I microwaved it. And while I was waiting for it to heat, they found a way to climb up to my window. Well done to Cole for standing up with Ky on her shoulders.
I really didn't have much snack food at my house as my fridge was kind of broken (my parents cleaned it out and fixed it today, yay!) so most of the stuff had to be thrown out. Also, we never really have snacks at my house. No one eats them. Also we were out of instant noodles. So I gave them some soymilk.
Because Cole was wearing shorts and stockings, she was getting bitten A LOT by mosquitoes so I offered her my track pants. And here she is, trying to put them on.
They did some silly shit, as usual, for a while after that, and then they snuck back out of the house. Baha. It was pretty funny watching them looking down from the window, but bet it wasn't as fun for them to stand out in the cold and among the mosquitoes. They're gonna bring a ladder next time so they can invade my room. Sif, I close the window on you bitches.
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