Oh and I'm going on a road trip tomorrow, YAY.
My last week:
Beer batter fries from Fishmonger, where Ferry works, except this time, Ferry wasn't working and this creepy foreign (European? North African? kinda reminded me of Marco) man was serving us, and he tried to charge me 10 bucks for a dip that costs $1.5 as a joke, but it obviously wasn't funny and it scared me.
Anyway, we got the fries and salad and just left the store because you don't know what else he would say to you if you stayed any longer. So we decided to eat it in the boot of the mini. With some beer.

Road Trip:
We're heading to Hahei in Coromandel. For three days, and we're gonna have korean barbeque there. WOOP. Also make a parody of 붉은노을 (sunset glow) video. So I better go study it a little bit.
I'm gonna miss you ><
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