
Blimp and Rocket

So today we wagged our last period to go bunny hunting (yes, in the woods) so we could avoid the traffic jam and wrath of the Murphister. First stop was Animates in East Tamaki and they were just the size Xucy wanted but they were all boys. Pfffft. But they were so so cute. I forgot to take any photos because I was too busy getting bitten by Muddles the cat.

Animates was kind of our last resort so then Xucy decided she will get the 2 ish year old (which means BIG) female one from Onehunga since we couldn't find any other female ones that fitted her . It's big but SO SO pretty. Like a nice middle aged lady who aged gracefully and is very calm and sits on her chair and chews hay. Not saying she's an old lady. But I keep thinking she is. Paha. Well, compared to Rocket (who's 3 months old).

Anyway on the way back we tried to decide what she was going to be called. And there were all kinds of names ranging from names of foods, objects such as cleaning aids and things that fly...

In the end she decided on Blimp. Because it goes with Rocket. And it's big and slow.

That's not a very flattering photo of her (Xucy or Blimp?) but it's the only one. I don't know why I didn't take any photos. Until just now, I thought I had. Pfft.

When Rocket is mature enough (which will be in approximately 5 months) Xucy is going to mate them and sell the little baby bunnies !! And I can't wait to see them. Tiny little bunnies!!! And the parents are so adorable so they will have to be the cutest things!

: D

Most rabbits produce many offspring each year, although scarcity of resources may cause this potential to be suppressed. A combination of factors allows the high rates of reproduction commonly associated with rabbits. Rabbits generally are able to breed at a young age, and many regularly conceive litters of up to seven young, often doing so four or five times a year due to the fact that a rabbit's gestation period is only 28 to 31 days. In addition, females exhibit induced ovulation, their ovaries releasing eggs in response to copulation rather than according to a regular cycle. They can also undergo postpartum estrus, conceiving immediately after a litter has been born.
Newborn rabbits are naked, blind, and helpless at birth (altricial). Mothers are remarkably inattentive to their young and are almost absentee parents, commonly nursing their young only once per day and for just a few minutes. To overcome this lack of attention, the milk of rabbits is highly nutritious and among the richest of that of all mammals. The young grow rapidly, and most are weaned in about a month. Males (bucks) do not assist in rearing the kittens. The mother rabbit is able to become pregnant again 4 days after the birth of her kittens.

From wiki. kekekekeke

I finished my story here so Zo can talk about our dinner. We cannot possibly end up with same blog entries everytime we do something exciting can we !? But here's a sneak peak:

Also I got some Le Doux toys from Qubic. Eedleeedleeedle and Buddy. I wanted the Dr leDoux but he was the rarest. : s

바람, 어디에서 부는지
덧문을 아무리 닫아 보아도
흐려진 눈앞이 시리도록
날리는 기억들

wind, where does it come from
even if I try and close the doors
until my hazy eyes get cold
memories fly around

어느샌가 아물어 버린
고백에 덧난 그 겨울의 추억
아, 힘겹게 사랑한 기억
이제는 뒤돌아 갔으니

so soon, it had healed
reminiscence of the winter lead from confession
ah, the memory of loving you beyond my abilty
it's now turned around and gone

바람은 또 어디에서 불어오는지
내맘에 덧댄 바람의 창 닫아 보아도
흐려진 두눈이 모질게 시리도록
떠나가지 않는 그대

where does the wind come from again
even when I close the windows to my heart
until my hazy eyes get brutally cold
you don't disappear

혼자라는게 때론 지울 수 없는 낙인같아
살아가는게 나를 죄인으로 만드네

being alone, it's like a inerasable stigma
living on, it makes me a prisoner

바람은 또 어디에서 불어 오는지
내맘에 덧댄 바람의 창 닫아 보아도
흐려진 두눈이 모질게 시리도록
떠나가지 않는 그대

where does the wind come from again
even when I close the windows to my heart
until my hazy eyes get brutally cold
you don't disappear

혼자라는게 때론 지울 수 없는 낙인같아
살아가는게 나를 죄인으로 만드네
혼자라는게 때론 지울 수 없는 낙인처럼
살아가는게 나를 죄인으로 만들어

being alone, it's like a inerasable stigma
living on, it makes me a prisoner
being alone, it's like a inerasable stigma
living on, it makes me a prisoner

죄인으로 만들어

makes me a prisoner


Exhibiton blabbers continued

Nicole: Coffeehouse model

Frances: Coffeehouse model

Aimee: Coffeehouse model


Over the head, Megan: Lighting design

Alton, Maria: Table setting design
Nicole: "Lollies?"
Fran: "How dare you!"

Table setting
Nicole, Ky, Xucy: Furniture design

My coffeehouse

My dad said it looks more like a library.

Rosalind: Coffeehouse model

Lucy W: Coffeehouse model

Nina-May: Coffeehouse model

Elizabeth: Coffeehouse model

Fran: Coffeehouse model

Back, with real plants!

Maria: Coffeehouse model

Lizzie: Coffeehouse model

Lucy H: Lighting design

Zo n me: Furniture design

Holly: Presentation booklet for coffeehouse

That is all.

I found out why loading photos didn't work yesterday, it's because the files were humongous. They were 100 x 75 cm. ~__~ So I had to minimise them to 1:10 scale arrr.

I slept 8 hours last night but I don't think it was enough, I was very unsatisfied and tired this morning. And the running didn't help either. It made me sore. Pffft.

Note to self: now that exhibition is out of the way, I have to:
- Hand in Graphics internal by friday
- Hand in Graphics external by tuesday
- Design tech finalfinal evaluation
- Design boards by next next tuesday

Then ALL DONE!!!

Or not

- Study for externals T____T

Yayayayay. Back to work...



New discovery

So the book work was due in today and I hadn't touched the book for nearly two terms. But then I worked on it literally all night last night to early this morning and hey, I did it. I don't know if it's up to the teacher's satisfactory standards but I'm satisfied (because I found out that doing it all in one night IS possible)

Although cramming isn't a very good habit to have, since I'm so tired from running to and from all these places today due to the exhibition preparation, I'm going to procrastinate today. Yes, externals are due in next week and art boards are due in 2 weeks but I choose to neglect it for tonight. Yay for me.

I'd say the exhibition went rather successfully, some things could have been better but last minute effort wasn't going to do much. But still, it was fun. Food was good ! Props for yr12s.

Afterwards we went to Mexicali for dinner, and I tried their burrito for the first time and even though I was very full to begin with (from all the finger foods and punch at the exhibition) it was beyond fantastic. MMMMM MEXICAN. I wish I'd taken a photo of it. But then again, it was so difficult to eat that it wasn't very pretty when we were eating it.

Photos from the exhibition will be posted up shortly, sometimes internet doesn't let me upload so many image files at the same time and then freezes up. Dumb piece of shat. But here's a teaser:

Okay it won't even let me load one image. Too bad !


In october . . .

Interior of the Civic theatre. Really . . . Indian ?

Lazy technology teachers at EGGS, cough, Renno and Biddy.

I made BBQ/SweetChilli chicken thing

. . . yum.

We played foosball while waiting for Zo.

Xucy got a rabbit for her birthday, Rocket.

I made spaghetti.
And I saw Super..girl drinking during her duty.

I was in a car accident x D tee hee

Sanderson ♥



To Zee,

Ssanks to you, I come on blogger.com everyday so I can check out your blog and then naturally I move on to post on mine. So it helps me keep up with it. Baha.

Anyway, tonight we went to watch The Phantom of the Opera. It was oh so so so inspiring. I love going to ballets and operas and musicals and all kinds of shows. Blah. Wish I had more time and money to do that regularly.

Our seats were in row S, and if I tell you A is the frontest row you will get the idea of how far we were from the stage. Couldn't really see further inside of the stage (because it had a big depth) very well but I still thought the stage design was pretty cool. Especially in the underground lake scene with the little boat. Wawawheewa !

But the fact that our seats were so far wasn't too bad when I realised how ugly "Christine" was. Because if I could see her face I wouldn't have had such a good time watching. Decide for yourself, she looks like this:







but the phantom's voice was SO SO SO AMAZING. I love.

Can't say it is now my absolute favourite (because I never really loved the opera itself, plot wise) but since it is the most recent one I watched I must say it was pretty inspiring.

But still, I don't like the movie of it.

Also. I really don't think Blake Lively suits the role of Serena. Eugh.



Here are the 3D model for my coffeehouse. I must say I'm pretty content with how it turned out although it's not perfect, considering it's my first attempt : ) Langatuks was impressed.
So I had my AUT interview today. Walking to the design block was horrible, it started pouring down as I started walking so then I got soaked. The interviewer took the clearfile of original works and said "... it's... wet."
Pffft. soRRY.
Anywhos. Overall I guess it was okay. I would have wanted it to be better but they weren't totally disgusted at the way I spoke (which, was, um... like.. this. I must say I sounded pretty annoying to listen to. Gosh I hate speaking) and one of the interviewer was way fober than me so phew.
Getting into AUT might not be too bad. Though I still hope I wouldn't have to.



One thing ticked off the list of things to do related to school and uni crap, I finished my 3D model for the coffeehouse.

And then a bit later my neck and shoulders actually hurt so much I thought the bones were cracking and it led me to the verge of breaking down. paha. Everyone goes through this kind of stress but it just feels so heavy on top of each other and that things aren't going as fine as people make it seem.

Images aren't loading properly for some reason. Shall post up photos of the model later..

Tomorrow is AUT interview. Just can't wait till I have it out of my way.

And then friday is my parent's 21st wedding anniversary. So we're going to go watch the Phantom of the Opera. Yay ! it should be very inspiring as most things are.

I think I should really consider going to acupuncture. : s

I'd like to blog more often and I'm trying (although it doesnt show. heheh) but I just don't come online a lot. : P


이빌어먹을놈의 addiction

The first episode with introduction of all the characters and the fifth episode with the performance were the best so far, I am up to episode 9 I think and Rumi just confessed her feelings for the conductor NOT the trumpet player who's crazy about her. And when she said it I was all "WHAT YOU STUPID BONEHEAD"

At first it seemed like something different, with great little unique storyline and its awesome awesome classical soundtrack and also because I love watching orchestra performances. But it's turning into just another triangular love story.

I just hope it has more (really good !) performance scenes or I would just get tired of watching it. But for now, yes I'm addicted. GIMMMMEEE THE NEXXXTT EEPPPPP.


In this case the murder weapon was the words

C was a successful middle aged actress. She was beautiful and she still had a lot of possibilities for the future with her 20 year long career and her two young children.

She committed suicide on the 2nd of october, 2008.

What drove her into depression and to killing herself eventually was presumably the stress she gained from the rumours that were developing about the way she spent money. She was raised in a poor condition so she knew how to spend wisely and tried not to make any of her effort to go to waste. To her 'anti' fans, this characteristic of hers may have made her seem rather "cheap".

Her friend J's husband A was in desperate need of a huge amount of money to pay off debts. He couldn't and ended up killing himself over that. A rumour started that the reason for A's death was because of the debts and that if C had lent him enough money he would still be alive.

Of course this wasn't true, and whoever started the rumour, one of C's antis, was arrested.

However it still led C to suffer from depression on top of her divorce as she probably started believing the rumour herself and the idea that she may have saved A but she didn't.


요즘 머리를 떠도는 것들

망상 1. 커감에 대해서.

우린 서로에게 쉴새없이 영향을 주고 서로에게서 영향을 받는다.
이것이 우리를 변하게하고 장점과 단점의 디딤돌이 된다.
그러나 우린 언제까지 변할수있는것이며
어떤것들이 절대 변하지 않는가.

개인적으로 난 특히 친구들의 영향을 많이받고
스스로 자신을 변화시키려는 노력도 많이 하는편이다.

그래도 어떤사람들은 노력조차 뜸할뿐더러
노력해봐야 변화가 어려운 사람들도 있나보다.

망상 2. 사랑?

진정한 사랑은 잊혀질수있을까
그게 과연 진정항 사랑이었을까?

난 자꾸 너한테 비교를 하게 되는데.

망상 3. 우리는 결국 홍콩에 가게 될까?

이거 우가 계획잡고있는거야?